Healthcare and Access
Check Software

Built-in access data and worker’s medical analysis allow managers to better understand overall worker attendance and health to provide personalized care to prevent them from being at higher risk.

Worker information data
can be accessed through one platform.

Attendance, health management, alcohol management, contract
and document management, now at Fastthru!

Integrated service
that allows management
of various work systems

Administrators can manage various work policies and attendance through a dedicated web page or app, and can check attendance in real time and manage attendance status by group through linking with the ERP access management system.

Report showing worker health
results at a glance

Electronic contracts

Be contracted without
a paper contract

Digital medical service

Find dangerous
people faster

Simplify internal operations
and improve resource utilization

Anytime, anywhere
on the mobile app

It displays key insights into overall worker attendance and health that practitioners are satisfied with, and tracks heart rate, blood pressure, temperature and other vital signs

Automate now
without manual work

Manage those who have completed training, and identify those
who have completed it at a glance on the dashboard.